Laugh Out Loud A Cappella

Archive for the ‘cheese’ Category

Aca-Tastic Birthday


Our favoriate Venusians Robin (front and center) and Dolores (fuschia, third from right) recently celebrated birthdays. This photo is not recent, as you can tell from the holiday greenery, but who wants a current photo for their birthday? To celebrate, Venus sang for R&D’s awesome house party. We love house parties.  Are you having one this spring or summer? Give us a shout…we’ll be there before you can say “canapé.” You can email us at venusdminor (at) gmail (dot) com. Or if this is an aca-emergency, call 301-651-3707.

Want to tell us something, or add your name to our mailing list for our next concert? Jot your info here. We promise not to spam you!

Venus Sings July 27 in Support of #Mimolette

As many of our fans know, we are as much lovers of cheese as we are of a cappella. So when Venus heard that the FDA was blocking immimolette vieuxports of the beautiful French cheese Mimolette (see story in Washington Post) , we knew we had to do something!   So…we are heading back to one of our favorite outdoor summer concert venues–Lubber Run Ampitheater in Arlington–to sing our hearts out for cheese fans everywhere.  We’ll be selling our new CD Digital Redemption, and using the proceeds to purchase the last remaining rounds of mimolette we can find for rehearsal snacking. Join us at this fabulous concert, where we’ll be appearing with our friends The Tone Rangers . The concert begins at 8PM. Location: N. Columbus Street and 2nd Street N., two blocks north of Route 50. For the full summer schedule at Lubber.